According to the experts, today’s consumers are looking for natural and healthier options that still taste great. Cynergy Group is always a leader in providing delicious and high-quality flavors for the food industry and consumers. Our approach to taste is to model nature as an endless source of quality, health and pleasure. We always strive to be a partner in the growth and development of a healthy lifestyle. Synergy for the needs of consumers in the direction of naturalness, specifically creates customized solutions that fully meet the needs of the consumer. Our mission is to satisfy consumers’ demand for great-tasting products while supporting their nutritional health goals. At every step of our growth and development, our customers and their needs are at the forefront of our plans. The golden point in the development of food and beverage products is to correctly understand the desires of customers and discover their unmet needs. Using quantitative and qualitative research, product testing and innovative methods, we have integrated consumer and sensory perspectives to support our customers in the path of knowledge and development of innovative and successful products. We follow the tastes of consumers and innovative steps in the food industry around the world, and by collecting these valuable views and presenting them to customers and business partners, we help to prepare and develop healthy and satisfying products for consumers. Synergy Company, as one of the members The food and beverage industry has always been sensitive to its role in supporting the health of consumers. Considering the awareness of producers and consumers about the impact of proper food style on body health and preventing chronic diseases and to encourage different classes to follow a health-oriented lifestyle, these healthy foods should also have a pleasant taste. In order to achieve this, Synergy Group is on a mission to develop its flavors to meet consumer needs and help support manufacturers to adjust their product formulas.